Thursday, October 23, 2008

Form 4??

okayyy,let see.what do we need to be an e-businesswoman.
ICT?do we actually need that?
thats my dilemma.
i'm not very sure about my decision.
i need mommy now!!
yahh,my parents aren't home yet.
physic and chemistry and biology seems fun but i don't want to take any risk of failing any of them.
thats almost as the same as commiting suicide since you're destroying your own life by choosing some elective subject that does not suit you at all and wasn't your dream;maybe your parents trying to give you a good life and i mean GOOD life.
try to live by your own.make your ownchoice not parents choice.okay,maybe some parents are doing this for our good but what is worse than doing things that you dislike for the rest of your lives.i dont want might need to marry someone you dont know because of your mother,or your,dude pleaseee dont.

p/s-this is the same as before but who cares!and i apologize to firefox for what i'm going to say in the next post.

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